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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-659

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FACULTY OF THEOLOGY lxix Consider the relation of Confirmation to Baptism with historical notes In what particulars does the administration of Confirmation differ in the present Greek Roman and English rites Relate fully the origin and history of the Commination Service State some common objections to its use and give an outline of reply Comment upon the expressions "reading- pew or pulpit" "the place where they are accustomed to say the Litany '5 What is the origin of the Table of Prohibited Degrees Examine the grounds on which it is based and particularly the prohibition of marriage with deceased wife's sister 10 State the Levitical law of purification after childbirth and show how the Church in her corresponding office gives new complexion to the rite Explain decently apparelled י "shall kneel down in some convenient place" accustomed offerings 11 Give some account of the rite of Unction of the sick showing how it developed into "Extreme Unction מ What provision was made for this service in 1549 12 In what if any respects do you consider that further revision of these offices would be desirable VII -Eaitorali'a fcomilcticsf fcr Define the Pastoral Office and indicate the lines on which spiritual preparation should be made Show the nature and necessity of true vocation and suggest means for testing it Show the value of the regular use of the Daily Offices in respect of personal character pastoral work Examine the meaning of the following qualifications of the Christian minister as set forth in the Pastoral Epistles and suggest their bearing upon our own ministerial life μιας γυναικός livbpa νηφάλζον-σώφρονα-κυσμιον μη διλόγονς-μη άισχροκερδβΐς
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