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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-658

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ן IX νιιι ΓΑΓΓΙ ΤΥ OF T1IF 0I 00Y State the teaching of tin Council of Tr nt respecting the Sacrifice of tli Μ iss aioi show 11m porveraion of atIn truth win 11 it involves Kxplain iu what senses 111 Holy Communion is Si ri- lice and in what senses it 18 not 1Λ Show from Scripture and antiquity tin indissoluble 18- eori ition of Communion with Sacrifice in 111 Holy Km hni 10 ί in brief summary t" the teaching of our Church respecting lie various aspects 01 tin1 II Coinmunion VI IlianttvUooh -tOrratftonal 10ffia$ In what respects 1113 the usr of these services been modified by circumstances since the last revision How tar have4 changes been recognised hv the legislatlire and hv Convocation Indicate tin principal alterations ןιιη nf substance made in these services at the revisions of ami HJfrJ respectively 't Show how of all the Prayer-hook oflices that for tin- Solemnis ition of Μ itrimony retains most of the ancient suh- stance and form Derive and explain banns tokens of spoil sage uive troth with my body thee worship Show how and why stress has always been laid upon the publicity of marriage What are the special objects to bo kept in view in visiting tie sick How should the Visitation otli es he mi- ployed How do 11 account for the ite date of all oftiee for clinical celebration Kxplain 44 Taiitiiiu credo et manducasti Discuss tin4 various methods employed by am out nations for reverent disposal of the dead count for tin adoj tion of burial by the eaily Church Slate briefly the case for an against the modern revival of cremation How do the words of committal in the service for burial at sea dill from those of the older olhce From what source are derived tlie anthems aid at the grave Jive tin history of that beginning In the m'uht of lift ice are in death und write it out in the urigimtl
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