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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-656

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lxvi FACULTY OF THEOLOGY What is the relation between the language of the speeches ascribed to St Paul in the Acts and that of his Epistles 10 Give some instances of St Luke's historical and geo- graphical accuracy III 2fyan1tt1att011 in tlje CrciU State the relation of the various parties in the Church to the Nicene definition in 325 Explain the views of Marcellus of Ancyra and Photinus of Sirmium and their effect on the course of the controversy State the teaching of the Early Fathers respecting the Holy Spirit particularly that of Irenaeus and Origen What is stated by Gregory of Nazianzus as to the belief current respecting the Holy Spirit in the middle of the 4th century State the arguments of St Athanasius on this subject State the chief arguments on which the other Fathers relied on this doctrine State and explain the definition on the subject adopted at the Council of Constantinople Give an account of the full statement of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity as taught by Gregory of Nazianzus Explain the special character of St Augustine's expo- sition of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity 10 Shew the nature and the origin of the distinction between the views of the Eastern and Western Churches respecting the procession of the Holy Spirit 11 Explain the close relation to his whole teaching of our Lord's commission to baptize in the Name of the Father the Son and Holy Ghost 12 Show accordingly the profound practical import of this doctrine
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