Calendar: 1896-1897 Page 629
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REPORT xxxix any stipulation as regards religious tests The College therefore has been deprived of the Grant for two whole years from April 1894 to April 1896 but from the latter date it is again in enjoyment of the sum of £1 700 year which was the amount assigned to it as to University College in the report by Committee of the Treasury on which the Government acted No condition was attached to this restoration of the Grant But the Council had already intimated to the Government that they thought it desir able to adopt formally as Conscience Clause the principle on which they had uniformly acted of allowing exemption from attendance at religious instruction and at chapel of students whose parents entertained conscientious objec- tions to the teaching or worship of the Church of England Conscience Clause of this nature is imposed by law upon all schools in the country which receive grants of public money and as the adoption of such clause involved no change in the constitution of the College and was in harmony with its practice the Council thought it right to meet the favourable action of the Government by formally adopting the same rule clause accordingly was settled by the kind The following is the communication received from the Treasury Treasury Chambers 3rd October 1S95 Sir -I am directed by the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury to transmit for the information of the Governing Body of King's College the enclosed extract from this Board's Minute of the 26th ultimo relating to the distribution of the Annual Grant in aid of certain Colleges in Great Britain giving education of University standard in Arts and Science am Sir your obedient servant The Secretary GEO HAMILTON King's College London TREASURY MINUTE DATED 26th SEPTEMBER 1895 fit My Lords read again the Minutes of the late Board dated the 4th July 1894 and 21st June last relating to the distribution of the sum of £15 000 which has been voted during recent years for University Colleges in Great Britain Under those Minutes the share of the grant which it was proposed to assign to King's College London has been suspended owing to the retention of denominational tests and the money distributed among other Colleges The question has been carefully considered by the present Board and my Lords have decided that the College may be placed in enjoyment of its share of the Grant next year without any stipulation as regards tests It will accordingly receive as from the 1st April next an annual sum of £1 700 during the remainder of the term of five years for which period the late Board engaged in 1894 to ask Parliament to make an annual grant of £15 000 in aid of the expenses of certain Colleges in Great Britain giving Education of University standard in Arts and Science
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