Calendar: 1896-1897 Page 615
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xxv 1859 The Friends of Thomas Tooke Esq of Spring Gardens Charing Cross the sum of 250 Four per cent Debenture Stock of the London and North-Western Railway as an Endowment for Professorship of Economic Science and Statistics in honour of his personal character and of the services rendered by him to Science The former Pupils and Friends of Richard Chenevix Trench Lord Archbishop of Dublin the sum of 156 as an Endowment Fund for an annual Greek Testament Prize in memory of his connexion with the Theological Department as first Professor of the Exegesis of the New Testament The Friends of Robert Bentley Todd the sum of 153 as an Endowment Fund for an annual Bronze Medal and Prize of Books in memory of his long and distinguished services to the College and Hospital 1864 The Friends of the late Rev Alexander McCaul DJ Professor of Hebrew and the Exegesis of the Old Testament and of Ecclesiastical History Painted Window in the College Chapel and the sum of 250 as an Endowment Fund for an annual Hebrew and Old Testament Prize in memory of his long and distinguished services 1867 Thomas Godfrey Sambrooke Esq of No 32 Eaton Place the sum of 000 in fully paid up Shares in the General Reversionary and Investment Com- pany for the purpose of founding Medical and Surgical Registrarship to be attached to the College and Hospital 1868 The Friends of the Rev Richard William Jelf late Principal of King's College London the sum of 225 as an Endowment Fund for Bronze Medal to be given annually in each Department of the College and School in memory of his lonp connexion with the College 1862 1863
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