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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-565

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

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PRIZE LIST FACULTY OK MKDICINE 1895-9G IftccommcntietJ for tfje ociat ljip 1895-9C Crawfurd Raymond Henry Payne Fielder Frederick John Olver Richard Baby Penny Frederick Septimus Rice Thomas Edmund Schaub Justus Martin Troup James Macdonald cfijolavs anil vbibitionrrs Senior Williams Ralph Paul Second year McMullcn William Halliburton Carle Frederick Charles Junior Stuart William Lumsden Williams Alfred Carleton Warneford Class II Mayou Marmaduke Stephen Class Batterbury Richard Neville Pritchard Ireton George Wright Herbert Gresham Samltrooke Stuart William Luinsden Williams Alfred Carleton Worsley Lowman William Ilenville Tobit Perry Praimc Leathrs Gardner Thomas Hudson Warneford st Prize Gardner Thomas Hudson Ind Prize Saunders Leonard Pitnork Jelf Medal Mayou Marmaduke Stephen Tanner Lewis Coltnn Taylor Barry Divinity Lnwinan William Ilenville Ν Ν
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