Calendar: 1896-1897 Page 561
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Ιήιζι LIST at year Physics 2nd year Robertson Frederick St FlrLrlicr Bpenoer Lavington Fergusson Carter Frederick 11 nry Simpson Richd Christopher Mellis Hugh John Wist Arthur John Minnitt Henry William Norris Philip Bovce Bailey Robert William Mowat Magnus 2nd year Carter Frederick Henry Simpson Richd Christopher Ren free Tom Rolls Lobb Edmund Barnard Mclliss Hugh John Woodfield Sydney Prize at of Cnt Ap Prize Mechanics year let year Cert Ap Cert ofD Cert of Ap Prize Cot of Prize Cert of Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engin-1 yem Bering Prize Civil Engineering 'ord year 2nd year Chonutrical rawing '2nd ytar Porter Edwin Chas Qilbcrl Prizes Burrell James Thos Harold Bailey Robert William II Cert of Ap 2nd year Cartel' Frederick Henry Prize Robertson Frederick Steel Btanden Hugh Wyatt Ctrt of Simpson Richd Christopher Bailey Robert William ן Burrell James Thos Harold nzcs Mowat Magnus Cert of Nelson Campbell James λ Robertson Frederic Steel Prizes Standcn Hugh Wyatt Beresford Algernon Dunbar ץ Carter Frederick Henry Davidson John Simpson Richd Christopher at' ן Bradshaw Charles Henry Cartwright Cecil Leonard Browning Arthur llerse Mclliss Hugh John West Arthur John Kcntrcc Tom Rolls Sillitoe William Charles German Bernard Foster Lobb Edmund Barnard Minnitt Henry William Carter Frederick Henry Standen Hugh Wjatt Simpson Richd Christopher Tolme Thomas uliau Nelson Campbell James Bere8ft rd Algernon Dunbar Robertson Frederick Steel Minnitt Henry William crt of Cert of Ap 6t year Prizes Cert of Ap Prize Ctrt oj Ctrt of Ap sl year
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