Calendar: 1896-1897 Page 560
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ΓΚΙ Γ MM tmant bi neralogy rr Si111p 11 Kirhanl Clin stoi hrr Siren hy the Carpenter Company Architecture and Building Con truetion Arthur Catc Mrdal and Prize of £ Vl ηΑΛ ΛΛ w1 in books 3r my י ןman George Frederick Prinze Medal and Prize of £ in ho י י ן Jiir year Certificate of Dittinetion and Prize of י l16 iot1 lw rMr י Sla11 U11 -111 11 atL Sil f£ in 600 West Arthur John 1W ant Prl X" ί"1 01 Ooorgc Arthur Certificate of Distinction and Prize of χττ Enqi nctrinn Society Prize fcWjr on ow VsWuiTiaiM Mown or ay on 1γ Hallway Stnnden Hugh att dicncral rurs awl e'rvtiftraics trinity 3rd year Mowat 111 is Cert Bai'cy Robert William II Or Jji 211Ί year Simpson Uichd Christopher Prize Carte Frederick Henry Crrt of Nelson Campbell James ן Robertson Frederick Steel Cni' Ajt year st Arthur John Prize Mathematics fr 1r Bailey Robert William If Prize Robinson Ralph ן Mowat Mn nns Cert' SD' Burrell lames Tin Harold Cert of Ap 2nd year IJeresford Algernon Dunbar Prize Carter Frederick Henry Crrt of Simpson Kichri Christopher Cert of Ap year lit11 five Tom Rolls Prize Minnitt Henry William Cert ofD Lobb Edmund Barnard Cert of Ap Practical Phytic 3rd year Burrell James 1108 Harold Prize Mowat Magnus Cert of Bailey Robert William II ו Robinson Ralph Cert of 2nd year Carter Fp leiiek 11 nry Prize BtMden II 11 11 Wvatt Robertson Frederick Steel Cert of Bep sford Algernon Dunbar Buy τ- William Ah xander Cert of Ap
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