Calendar: 1896-1897 Page 551
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Page content
UNIVERSITY DISTINV luNS 547 ia English 09 Walker George Gave Robert Edward 70 IV ks Robert William 77ל ן Shclvcrtoii Herbert Marlon lss'i Sowcrby TIio ii ln lit belt 1581 Kendall John minis Curtis Francis Jolm Lee Herbert in German vs-J Lambert Walter 1891 Heissman Charles Henry HONOURS AT II Λ Κ Λ ΜI NATION iii Mathematics and Xatural Philosophy 07 Clifford William Kindlon Scholarship in Classics 1800 Heath Edward Raili Fantaleon 07 Collier Edward Alfred 1884 Sowcrby Thomas Herbert- 1888 Hayes Bernard John De serving of Scholarship 111 Logic and 00 Groves Frederick William Justican James William 07 Lake Charles Henry 180 Watkins Henry William Moral Philosophy 1809 Greaves James 70 Chappie Frederick 70 Taylor David Churton 78 Enright James in Animal Physiology Shuttleworth George Edward 180 Chapman Mdiicy 1807 Bird Cuthbcrt Hilton 1870 Chappie Frederick 1868 Dc Watteville Baron Arniand in German 1877 Sheil William 78 Christie James Thomas in French 18 Morgan Charles 1891 Bryant Alfred Charles Trcinills Ralph Vincent In English 91 Lee Herbert SCIUITURAL Ε Χ Λ Μ א Λ Τ10 א VMIN 11 י Ν IN MIL III IUU Κ XT OK THE ul TESTAMENT Til Κ י IK If XI ok וווי skw testament the evidences ok thi hkistian kkliuion am KII'Tl KK 1IIST0KY v0 NVt iisley Frize Baruett Grtavt Jam Vnr Μ Μ li
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