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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-550

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5n INIVKINiV Dl LNfMnNs HONOURS AT DECS Κ Κ Κ OK DOCTOR OK MKhK'INi General Proficiency ImK Kfiniithoriu Henry Law 1S70 Baxter Kvan Umhanatt Gold Medal Qualified Modal 18G7 Kelly Charles Gold Mc-laL 1871 Curnow John Cold Medal Arlidgo John Thomas Quali- 74צן CocklTOrn John Alexander lied for Medal Medal BhftW Thomas Claye Quali- lb7 Yr0 Isaa Bumey Qualilled lied for Medal for Medal 1868 Smith Robert Shingleton Gold Medal HONOURS AT DECREE OK BACHELOR OK SURGERY 18 30 Bund Thomas Gold Modal 189 Sand fur Henry Stephen Casey Edward Qualified for Medal 1875 Rose William 1895 Smith William Robert 1876 Duncan Andrew Gold 1890 Turner William 801101 and Medal Gold Medal 1887 Carlcss Albert Qualified for Medal FACULTY OF ARTS HONOURS AT Μ Λ EXAM 1Κ AT IΟ Ν In English 1888 Newiihaiii John Montague In Logic Moral Philosophy $c 18 39 Dc Watteville Baron Armand In Classics 1878 Loekey Jaims 18S9 Hayes Bernard John HONOURS AT INTERMEDIATE EXAMINATION In Mathematics and Mechanical Philosophy 18GG Lambert Carlton John 187 Root Walter Plumb Scholarship In Latin 18G6 Do Watteville Baron Armand 1877 Shelverton Herbert Mario 1807 י Priestley Thomas 1879 Hammond Francis 1869 Gaye Robert Edward 1882 Lambert Walter 1870 Perks Robert William 1884 Loly Gustavc 1875 Taylor David Churton 885 Williamson Frederick 1870 Root Walter Plumb In French 1866 Dc Watteville Baron Armand 81 Loly Gustavo Prize 1889 Gray Arthur 180S Watkins Oscar Dan 1890 Bryant Alfred Charles
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