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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-516

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512 NAMES OF ASSOCIATES Elected Name Faculty or Dept 1869 Clarkson Frank Ev Classes 1890 Clayton Francis Menross Theological 1872 Clements George Theological 1887 Clements George Hartridge Theological 1883 Cleworth William Enoch Theological 1869 Clifford George Frederick Ev Classes 1S75 Clowes William Laird Gen Lit 1872 Clunn William Davies Theological 1893 Coad Thomas Herbert Engineering 1890 Cobb John Frederick Medical 1890 Cobb Thomas Ev Classes 1887 Cochrane James Hubert App Sc 1875 Cockburn John Alexander Medical 1883 Cockerill Thomas Cleave Theological 1888 Cockson Harry Theological 1878 Coffin Theodore Walker Medical 1880 Coghlan James Hamoaze Theological 1883 Cogswell Frederick Walter Theological 1883 Cogswell Thomas Smith Theological 1886 Colborn Henry Theological 1891 Colby Frederick Clarence Theological 1891 Colchester Walter Edmund Theological 1869 Cole Henry George App Sc 1869 Cole Richard Henry Gen Lit 1894 Coles Charles William Theological 1872 Coles Eimer Thomas Theological 1896 Coles Henry Septimus Theological 1883 Coles James Oakley Medical 1892 Collick Edward Mallan Theological 1883 Collier Arthur Theological 1868 Collier Edward Alfred Ε Classes 1869 Collier Frank Robert Stanley Gen Lit 1886 Collins Adrian Charles App Sc 1893 Collins Henry Wilfred Ev Classes 1888 Collinson Thomas Arthur Medical 1886 CoUis William Henry App Sc 1866 Colquhoun Robert Theological 1888 Colvin-Smith Harry App Sc 1874 Compigne Charles Ev Classes 1S80 Congreve Hubert App Sc 1894 Conoley Daniel Theological 1892 Conway James Engineering 1884 Cook John App Sc 1868 Cook William Ev Classes 1892 Cooke Thomas Frederick Theological 1882 Cooke William Conway Medical 1879 Coombs Charles John Plumbe App Sc 1888 Corbett Russell Theological 1877 Cork Arthur Charles Ev Classes 1868 Corr John TheologicaL 1882 Cotterill Jorelyn Theological 1872 Courroux George Augustus Ev Classes
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