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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-515

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names OF associates Γ Elected Name Faculty or Dfpi 1888 Card William Theological 1891 Cardew Frederick Anstruther Theological 1879 Carey Evelyn George App Sc 1889 Cargill Lionel Vernor Medical 1885 Carless Albert Medical 1875 Carless Thomas James Ev Classes 1887 Carlinc William Arthur Medical 1890 Carlisle Tom Ffennell Gen Lit 1888 Carman Mark Charles Ev Classes 1857 Carpenter George Herbert Ev Classes 1866 Carr David Alexander App Sc 1868 Carr Frank Bennoch App Sc 1879 Carr Herbert Wildon Ev Classes 1882 Carrington Thomas Theological 1880 Cart Henry Thomas Theological 1894 Carter James Drummond Theological 1869 Casey Edward Medical 1877 Cassan Theodore Medical 1874 Catterns Thomas Edward Samuel Theological 1877 Caunt Thomas Bonser Ev Classes 1881 Caunt Thomas Bonser Theological 1892 Cave Martin Theological 1886 Challenor John William Theological 1858 Chambers Arthur Theological 1870 Champion Francis Coverley Gen Lit 1868 Chandler Richard John Theological 1882 Chapman John Ev Classes 1874 Chappie William Ev Classes 1878 Chawner Alfred Medical 1891 Cheatle Arthur Henry Medical 1880 Chegwyn Joseph Thomas West Ev Classes 1876 Chester Samuel Ev Classes 1S85 Cheves James Trelawney Medical 1894 Chivers John Stanley Theological 1876 Chomsai Prisidang App 1882 Christie Alfred George Edward Theological 1886 Christie George Richards Theological 1892 Christie James Ernest Theological 1885 Church Arthur Frederick Gen Lit 1870 Church William Ev Classes 1870 Churton Henry Theological 1S69 Circuitt Richard William Perry Theological 1872 Clack George Robert Theological 1880 Clark-Hunt Jorge Hiram App Sc 1870 Clarke Eli Theological 1896 Clarke George Henry Knight Theological 1886 Clarke George William Ev Classes 1896 Clarke John Michell Theological 18S0 Clarke Reginald Medical 1879 Clarke Thomas Furzt Medical 1882 Clarke TIioiiiqs Richard Ev Classes 1SS3 Clarke William Theological
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