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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-513

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NAMKS ASSOCIATES Γ1Π1 Elected Name Faculty or 187S Birch Robert Medicai IS7 Bird George The olo-ical lv Binl Harry Kdward Theological iss Bishop Charles Κν Class istMi Bishop Ferdinand Slierill Kv Claee ls Hilhray Thomas William Kv Mass י lss Blake Richard Kvcrard Theological 1860 Blake Walter 111-11 ry Gen Lit lsf Bland Henry Medical lH Blinkhorn Kdward Kv Classes 1807 Blinkhorn George Kv Classes 1878 Blomfield Arthur George Medical 1886 Bloxam Frederick William Gen Lit 1878 Blunt Reginald App Sc 1KK7 Blurton William Theological 1871 Blyth Alexander Wynttr Medical 1S66 Blyth Charles Gen Lit 1872 Boag Frederick Theological 1880 Bodman George Kv Classes 1874 Bomford Gerald Medical ISO Bomford Trevor The School 1S6G Bond Thomas Medical 1807 Bonella John Kv Classes 181VJ Bonnewell Henry Goodwin Theological 1SSM Boobbyer Philip Medical lsso Booth Kdwin Henry Kv Classes 1875 Booth George John Kv Classes 1870 Borradaile Vincent Gawain 'theological 1871 Borrodaile Krnest Theological 1881 Boswall Luther Theological 1S7U Bothwell William Marnock Kv Classes ISstj Ronton Vincent Joseph App Sc 188ύ Uowdeii John Kemp Kv Claeeea 1S77 Bowler Henry Archer Classes 1S07 Boyd John Kwart Edwards Gen Lit ls70 Boylan John Dunn App Sc 1870 lloyton Frederick Richard Kv Classes 1SS3 Bradford Archibald Campbell Kv Cl ae8 IssO Bradley Cuthbert Kdward App Sc 1800 BnuUhawe Paris Medical 1891 Braga JoiO FruiicaMO Medical lstf Brandreth William Theological Iss Bratton Jam Allen Medical 1874 Brayn Richard Medical 181 Bridges George Isaac Kv Classes 1871 BridglatuI Henry Kv Masses lsss Brlggn Albert Kdtuund Theological ls llru'if George Chapman Medical Is Bright Ge rge Frederick Tin olo ical 18M BrUtow Charles yttl ton Kngineering 184 Britten Thomas Candy Theological 187J Brittle John Richard App Sc
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