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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-510

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ASSOCIATES or KIN CoLLKGK L0Nl Fur the mama of Ikote elect ן Ιο $66 are tr for 1865-6 Namcsof IfcoN elected previously to 1866 whose na do tint appear in preceding Calendar Elected Name Faculty or hepl Ames Francis William Theological 17 'יי Berkeley Janus Cavan Military IS Hiekmore William Frederick Theological μι Hoardman Edward Hubbard Theological 1W Carlisle Charles Henry Theological Ι η5γ1 Cooper Afttlcy Theological 1850 Gale Knight Theological IS65 Hopkins Evan Henry Theological IΗΠ5 HoulUton Alexander Furuice Theological 1865 Langhornc William Henry Theological ls49 Margetson Parker Medical 1855 Matfhey Alphonso Theological I8M Nursey Claude Rembrandt Wilkie Theological 1sc15 Ohlson George Theological IS55 Perfect Henry Theodore Theological ls Vr1 Perkins Heiny Edmund Hchool 1849 Perks Charles Tho nas Theological 1852 Head George Preston Theological 1851 Seller James Theological 1851 Sells Henry Theological 18γ15 Shrimpton Henry Theological I8G5 Imith Vincent Theological 1S57 Warneford Thomas Lewis John Theological 1sr Whitehead Charles Henry Theological S56 Wilkinson Heny llli Theological Young John Pry Thcologic 11 Elected subsequently to ן Aaron Chowry Muthu David Jacoh Medical stt-J Abbott John ilallcn Engineering lv Abdla Juan Engineering 1886 Ackland Charlce Kingalcy McdicaL 1SK7 Adam Walter Poynter Apj he lv Ailama William Francis Theological uiiKon John William Kv Clares 1803 Adlanl Howard Tindale Engineering UN Adlard Stanley t'lajuM-a 1888 Alolphus raeeOcUviua Theological lvsT Akcra Fn rick William Bv Clause 18M Alabaster 8ir Chaloner 8ch Oil ivi AMritk Frederick Ε meat Kv Cbu
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