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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-484

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480 COLLEGE SOCIETIES Applications for Membership are to be addressed to the Secretaries of the Medical Society of King's College London All members are elected by ballot Microscopes and Cabinet of Specimens are open to the use of Members of this Society The collection contains Physiological and Pathological preparations The subscription is one guinea for Life MEDICAL COMMON ROOM The room is open during the Medical Sessions from in to and on the occasions of the meetings of the Scientific Union till 30 Most of the current magazines periodicals and the daily papers are provided Each Student is expected to pay an entrance feo of one guinea on joining the Medical Faculty and an annual subscription of 5$ payable in instalments at the com- mencement of each term VOLUNTEER MEDICAL STAFF CORPS No Company is composed of Students at the Medical Schools of King's Charing Cross University Middlesex and St George's The Instruction given in the Corps supplements that given in the Medical Schools and is of service both in student life and after commencing practice Recruits have to attend twelve drills and four lectures in First Aid and are then if sufficiently proficient passed into the ranks by the Officer com- manding the Company and receive their uniform and arms For information apply to Surgeon-Captain Valentine Matthews commanding No Company 22 Suffolk Street Pall Mall between 10 30 and or to the Adjutant at Head Quarters 62 St Martin's Lane
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