Calendar: 1896-1897 Page 482
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17 κ κ iki ικ SOCIKTY UF EDUCATION Γ resit nit Hi II Wace Vici-Pres'tilt uts Γκι κ Λ י ז λ μ Μ Α η sc Λι λμ ν Ertg ΠΑ Γ RiMRM Ksg Μ Α ΗιίΑίϋΝΤοΝ Ks Μ Λ Γηι κ crnN0wf Μ Γκοκ Π Κι ιτγιιι 11 Κ Κ Λ PbOT Halo Μ Λ Γΐυ II Η ΙΙιτίΐΜΐκ Μ Α Ηιν κοκ KilOWUOTb Μ Λ Rkv Prop ii Ηιιιττι ι υΐντιι 1la This Society was established in February 181 by 1110 students of the Faculty of Arts Its object is the discussion of questions concerning Education and to bring together those who have been or are being trained at King's College The members arc drawn from all Faculties and Depart- nients each of the latter being represented on the Vice Presidency but the majority of members arc the Staff the Queen's Scholars and the Theological Students Meetings arc held at intervals during the Term at as rule notice of each meeting is sent to every member Educational periodicals are provided in the class- room The affairs of the Society are managed by Committee of live Secretary and Treasuier All officers are elected annually The Committee earnestly request all new students cspeci- ally of the Faculties of Arts and Theology to join the Society at once Gentlemen who may wish to join should communicate with the Honorary Secretary
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