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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-470

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4g6 PRIZES Exhibitioners 1886 1887 188S 1S89 1891 1S92 1879 1S80 1881 Mescal Daniel Carpenter George Herbert Huntly George Nevill Fulcher Lionel William Howard John Alexander Johnston James Brown Glenny John Vaughan Lambert Wesley Ross Charles Herbert Carr Herbert Wildon special Burn Edward Trewby Donald Savage William Arthur 1881 1882 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1892 Mackay James Bunyan Lillie Neale Charles Montague Webb Charles Daulman Shanks Hugh Has well King Charles Frederick Carpenter George Herbert TremillsJ Ralph Vincent Fulcher Lionel William Harding Frederick Howard Fox Joseph John Cummings Arthur Pollard Sorby William Herbert Prizemen 1880 Moore Henry Richard Vernon Etheridge Reginald Dimsdale 1881 Pitt Theophiius Branson Frederick Woodward 1SS3 Youatt George Heanes 1S84 Wesley Edward Francis Bishop Charles 18S5 Bowden John Kemp Moore William Alfred 1S87 Akers Frederick William 1893 Lambert Wesley 1894 Adlard Stanley 1895 Lee Joseph Godbould 1896 Hipkins Harry Thomas Given by the ClotfiworJeers' Company Prize of £2 10s in Books for Metal Work and similar is giyen every year by the Cloth- workers' Company at the close of the Summer Session to the Student who has worked for the three preceding Terms in the Workshop during the evening and has exhibited the greatest proficiency 1879 1S80 1882 1883 1S84 1885 1886 1887 1888 1S89 1890 1891 Metal Work Brown Joseph Henry Chapman George James Richards William Francis Stanbury Alfred Dodd Miller Thomas George Spiller Herbert William Smith Henry John Gordon-Stuart Morris Herbert James Roberts Martin Fenn Potter Leveridge Frank Walters John Huth Prizemen 1S92 1893 180L 1895 1896 Walters John Huth Gentry Buchan Stratton McKerrow Robert Brunlees Mills Arthur Walter Wickins George Earnest Wood Work 18S0 Dwelly Thomas Edward ו Williams Frank Philip 1881 Overall Edwin Harris 1S82 Livesay Nathanael Dunbar 1883 Thomas William Davis 1884 Arundell William Herbert
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