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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-462

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To students of the third year-Gold Medal and £3 Silver Medal and £2 Bronze Medal and £1 To students of the second year-Silver Medal and £4 Bronze Medal and £3 Certificate and £2 To students of the first year-Silver Medal and £4 Bronze Medal and £3 Certificate and £2 II To third year students in the Architectural Studio- Gold Medal and £2 in books Silver Medal and £1 in books and Bronze Medal III For the best work done in Wood-Carving Day Classes at Kings' College-1 Silver Medal Scholarship and Bronze Medal Scholarship for one Term Certificate IV For the best work done in the Ladies' Department at Kensington Square-1 Certificate and £2 in books Cer- tilicate and £1 in books Certificate Examinations are held at the close of the Easter Term and Prizes or Certificates are awarded for proficiency in the several subjects of the curricula of the Faculties of Arts and Science MEDICAL PRIZES The interest of £300 bequeathed by the late Leathes Esq is expended annually in the purchase of Bible and Prayer-Book which are given to the two Medical Students who are found most worthy of the same for their proficiency in religious knowledge and for general good conduct All Matriculated Students of this Faculty may be Candidates for these Prizes Candidates must produce Certificates of good conduct of regular attendance on the Divinity Lectures and Certificates of having passed two of the Terminal Examinations in Divinity
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