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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-461

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from the beginning of their attendance Students of the Evening Classes are subject to special conditions The Prize consists of Gold Medal and Books of the joint value of about £15 The next Examination will be held on Friday June 25 1897 Names must be sent to the Secretary on or before Friday June 18 Candidates will be examined in the following subjects Morphological Histological Physiological and Classificatory Botany The Examination will be divided into two parts viz Morning 10 to -Written Afternoon to -Practical Names of Prizemen 1882 1883 1884 1885 18S6 18S7 1S8S Carless Albert Gifford George Taylor Penny Jeremiah Balleine Arthur Edward Cargill Lionel Vernon Savell Arthur Robert Fadelle Alfred 1SS9 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 Bryett Wrilliam Robert Turner Philip Williams Ralph Taul Escombe Fergusson Mott Charles Francis Gompertz Richard Henry Cyril Mr Arthur Cates Vice-President of the Royal Institute of British Architects gives Bronze Medal on the following conditions The medallist must stand first in the Third Year of the College Course of Architecture and Building Construe- tion and also have passed the Intermediate Examination in Architecture of the Κ Ι Β Δ The Worshipful Company of Carpenters give medals and books of the value mentioned below to the students who pass the best Examination in Architecture and Building Construction at the end of the Easter Term
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