Calendar: 1896-1897 Page 460
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Pennant xi These Prizes have been founded by means of Legacy bequeathed to the College by the late James Tennant Esq Professor of Mineralogy They are of the annual value of about £15 together and are given in books or instruments One Prize in Geology and one in Mineralogy will be awarded for merit only at the Annual Examination upon the year's work They are both open to all First Year Students of the Faculty of Science in the Morning or Evening Classes who have completed year's work provided the age of the candidate on July of that year does not exceed 22 years י 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 Prizemen Geologv Atkinson Llewe yn Birchall Festa Giulio Wordingham Charles ץ Henry Anderson Robert Bruce Atkinson Claude William Heathcote Charles Francis Ranken Arthur William 1888 1890 1891 1892 1S93 1894 1895 1896 Jones Charles Edward Druce Ernest Harry Ellis Somers Howe Mather Henry Thomas Brown Herbert Radcliffe Bailey Robert William Woodfield Sydney Simpson Richard Christopher West Arthur John ceq Mineralogy 1883 1S84 1885 1886 18S7 1S8S 1S89 1891 1S92 Anderson Robert Bruce ן Farquhar William Atkinson Claude William Heathcote Charles Francis Ranken Arthur William Carpenter George Herbert Virgoe Walter Harry Huntly George Nevill Adlard Howard Tindale Dixon Alfred Albert ceq 1893 Beadnell Hugh John י Greene Frank Arnold 1S94 Fuller William John 1895 Merriman George Frederick Maskeljne Bailey Robert William Harvey 1S96 Robertson Frederick Steel Simpson Rich Christopher barter Soto itHc&al an $rt for $30tang This Prize was founded by the late George Redsull Carter Esquire for the purpose of encouraging the study of Botany Ί י י It is open to Matriculated Students of all Faculties of the College who have not exceeded three Academical Years
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