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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-393

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ρκι ι Kit Mil' Κ Γι MH Μ Α formerly י Student Κ Fourth Wrangler Cambridge 1812 Fellow and utor St Peter' College Cm Mill י Smk st formerly Student Fifth Wranu'lrr ambridice 181 Fellow of I'nnity College Now Jiiilgc of 11 Supreme Court llombay Jwiui Μ 11 111 lU'oiiCS 81Γ γ111 Μ Α formerly י Student Κ ל Fourtl Wrangler Cambridge lHll Fellow of St John' College urine κ w1i IIAM ViNTJ lt formerly Student Third Wian-ler Cambridge ISI7 Fellow ol St John's College W1 am 1Ί ν 11 dw Mtns formerly Student Fifth Wrangler Cambridge ΓΛ Fellow of Trinity Ih Mtv Wii iam Watson Μ Λ foruurly Student aid afterward Lecturer in Mathematics Sreond Wrangler and Second Smith's Pri einan Cambridge 18 W1 $r וויו it MO formerly Student FirstClnM in CIHMice ml in Law and Modern History xf rd Ifl afterwards Fellow of Won ater 1' ItUIII mm κ ϊΓΙΖητ lormerl Student LlOM' SMITH llr At ll formerly Studeiil afterwards I'rufemor Of Phyiiologv Iat Fr fo or of Medieinr ami I'byeieinn II י 'iuiu es 01 Milt Ν 1י ו lay For fifteen yean Librarian to ami Lecturer in Geography Now Chaplain to llie llrituli reaidents at Salvador
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