Calendar: 1896-1897 Page 384
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πι κ ןחי וד IllfS Ο 1000 Chaae Frederick Henry 10לא Knurr Henry Pole 71 low 1111 η v7J II ml In Rielnrd KM לא Uiijolt Albert Franc ls7 Ilolisoii Thomas Kr deriek זיל I'ollanl Alfn William יילל Harrod Henry Dawes 18לל Welch Kdward AshursL im7s Pearson Alfred Chilton 71 Lou- William Ivlwaid 1S80 niunt HcrWrt William Kusstll William s-j Withers Harry Livingston Mfi illlist If83 Franklin Bert it rUrlra IK Uarne Warren Delat rr 1H85 Pa Chat lea I- וי1 ן William 11 iIh 1U 1ל א Drake Κη Ι τ1 William lsss lwa Mauri Alfr lsv Austin llobert Frcdeiick ί Parent Arthur John 1M MoriMin Lennox Janus Iv rj Ixmsdale Join Fnd nek 803 Chalk dwin 110W Unwiii Ualph Kdward IS Ireland Samml Sardiner lsik Holster Hegin ι Μ Charle XX ittaclcar Those Prizes have 0011 founded by tlie friends of 11m Kcv George Frederick Maclear lato load Master in tostiinony of their personal regard and in remembrance of hi long connexion with the School They consist of two Prizes each of £5 in Hooks to he awarded for the highest Examination in Divinity in the Classical and Modern Divisions respectively These examinations are hold in ho Easter Term Names of Prizemen 18S1 niunt Hubert William Salmon II 11 ry Thomas iss-j Withers Harry Livingston Ilatliurst Allen Style Arthur Jocelyn ttamuclson IYrcy ISM Franklin Herb rt Charles Cha pin James Jolui iss Jndd William Herbert SliopjK Jo William 880 1age Charles Vidal Adolpfa Edward ל Austin Robert Frederick ן Drake Frederick William Yeo William Murdoch Oeoiye Howell ן 1888 IsSo 1-01 iv ej ί 1906 IVkford Frank II ιγ1μ ι Arthur Sufflehl Yeoman Hubert Townshend Horatio Baxter Sargent Arthur John Cooper Brie Hale Lonsdale John Frederick iingell William Henry Jeans Herbert William Kendake Arthur Thoiuaa Chalk Kdwin Sjn no rrell Prand ir tme IkiM-T Reginald Charl- Townhliend Dudley Kyln n-iiii John Frank Κ ν err
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