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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-382

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378 the school 1SS7 Austin Robert Frederick Lees William Edwin 18S8 Townshend Horatio Baxter Teomans Robert 1889 Mi akin Leonard John י Pearce Edward Nathanael 1590 Pierce George Oliver Garton Frank Townsend 1591 Preston Hillary Richard Graff Reginald Charles 1892 Plummer Edgar Curnow Lonsdale John Frederick 1693 Unwin Ralph Edward Ireland Samuel Gardiner ISO Silvester Frederick Tyrrell Francis Graeme 1805 Minnion Ernest Harry Jones Percy Arthur 1S96 Lewis Frank Every Lawes William Horace -These Exhibitions may not be given after tlie Summer of 1897 XVII Entrance xjttittions These Exhibitions are no longer awarded subjoined are the names of those who were elected to these exhibitions before their abolition Names of Exhibitioners 1889 Mason Walter Alexander Parker Kerslake Arthur Thomas Streeter Burnett Hillman Tomalin Henry Ferdinand 1890 Maconochie Archibald Harding Herbert Lovel Tyrrell Francis Gneme Unwin Ralph Edward Nichol Henry Thomas Per cival 1891 Pedler Samuel Cottell Victor Lansdowne Barber Edward Inglis Sykes Percy Stanley Townshend Dudley Ryder 1S92 XVIII lEntranre an junior cf 01arsi tps Four Entrance Scholarships of £12 year each are offered at the beginning of each Term to boys wTho are under 14 years of age on September January and April respectively Two Junior Scholarships of the same value are offered each Term to boys already in the School who are under 15 years of age at the above dates These Scholarships are tenable as long as the scholar
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