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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-363

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King's College School is divided into four divisions -The Classical Division This Division is intended to prepare Pupils for the Univer- sities for the Learned Professions for the higher Competi- tive Examinations for the Public Service for the Preliminary Arts Examination required of Medical Students and for the Theological and Arts Faculties of the College The special subjects of study in this Division are the Greek and Latin languages History French Mathematics and Geo- graphy Lectures in English Literature are given to the Upper Sixth Form by Professor Hales There is Special Class to prepare for the London Univer- sity Matriculation Examination Boys who show special aptitude for Mathematics are al lowed to give additional time to this subject -The Mathematical Division This Division is intended to prepare Pupils for such Com- petitive Examinations as those for Woolwich and Sandhurst or for Science Scholarships at the Universities and elsewhere for the Engineering profession and for the Faculty of Science in King's College The special subjects of study in this Division are Mathe- matics and Science English History and Literature French German Geography and Freehand Drawing Where necessary Geometrical Drawing is taught in the Upper Forms Latin may be substituted for German if desired Lectures in Chemistry and Physics are given to all Forms except the lowest in this Division the standard of work in these subjects in the highest Form is such as to qualify boys for Science Scholarships at the Universities or elsewhere or for the Faculty of Science in King's College
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