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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-360

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356 CIVIL SERVICE CLASSES EXCISE APPOINTMENTS Open Competition for Sixty Appointments November 1895 Twenty-five Appointments Weston Pipe Davies Leonard Ε Gale Bonavia Fisher Clinch Pipkin Evans Hudson Kay English Kemp Lillie Martin Sampson O'Callaghan Jones Η Griffith Carmichael Η Hunter Triggs Grimsdale Ross Open Competition for Sixty-five Appointments May 1896 Twenty Appointments Pearce Gauld Lander Coe 11 Kennedy 12 Irons 16 Rees 18 Cope Brennan Slater Edgecombe Lowe Cronin Thorpe Curtis £cott Carroll Η Holland Sykes Η Armstrong MALE TELEGRAPH LEARNERSHIPS Open Competition for Forty-five Appointments July 1895 Nine Appointments Atkinson Ries Smerdon Hayton Kench Cornwell Hudson Lawrence Cornish Open Competition for Sixty Appointments January 1896 Nine Appointments Dyer Loveland Jeffery Lord Η Gleed Richards Gibbins Lambert Mcintosh ASSISTANT CLERKS ABSTRACTOR CLASS November 1895 Eight of fifteen Appointments Bristy Hobson Critchinson Barber Wilkinson Parker Thomson Moreton March 1896 Thirteen Appointments names in alphabetical order Brooke Dailley Harrison Holt Liddell Le Fevre Nicholls Nyillassy Pope Smith Torbell Tudor Wood
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