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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-359

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CIVIL SERVICE CLASSES 355 Etheredge Lambshead Walley Kerr Rowe Kimpton Bartram Besley Smith Loosley Page Ward Davies Kay Wallis Dadley Burrows Clayton Erskine Stokes Hey Squire Baines Hornby Ε Athawes jun Magrath Mare Bailey Pritchard Simmons Barber Wood Best Limited Westbury Hearn Betts Marler Ε Beare Turner Bazeley Gilbert Cotton Adamson Wall Kerswill Ford Chown Faunch Hinton Μ Percy Mylam Plummer Lewcock Liddell South Cairns Wood Todd Marsh Young Smith Kemble Cox Foort Hobbins Tyler Bucking- ham Headland Bixby Brigden Poole Briggs Mulligan Roberts BOY CLERKSHIPS Open Competition for One Hundred and Fifty Appointments December 1895 Twenty-nine Appointments Butler Orbell Hannaford Brambleby Armstrong Beck Rae White Witney Leach Minett Portch Mountfort Robbins' Daymond Bryce Flood Cripps Walshe Gray Sampson Edmonds Birch Vokes Crawford Luce Sim- monds Jones Bradden Subsequently added Moore Davis Ballinger Τ Tizzard Powell Hurst Norman Ryan Toms Gardner Scadeng Green Rayner Barrett Lambert Gold Tinniswood Mountford Ε Stevens Bull Η ay an Andrews ζ
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