Calendar: 1896-1897 Page 308
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Page content
304 department for ladies Minute structure of cells and tissues in liana and Lepuu including epithelia blood lymph nerve muscle connective tissue fat cartilage and bone Development of tissues from embryonic cells Embryology-Nature and origin of Ova and Spermatozoa -Fertilisation segmentation formation of germ layers in Lumbricus Amphioxus Frog Chick and Rabbit-Ccelom- Notochord-Visceral Arches and Slits-Development of Blood Vessels-Amnion-Allantois-Placenta-Origin of the important Organs Itfoianj ant Vegetable toloaj PROF BOTTOM LEY Ph Professor of Botany at King's College Friday 11am Michaelmas Term Vegetable Physiology -Germination of Seed-Food of Plants-Absorption and Distribution of Food-Movement of Water and of Gases in Plants-Transpiration-Respiration -Growth-Irritability of Mature Organs-General Condi- ions of Plant Life-Reproduction Sexual and Asexual- Fertilisation Lent Term The principal forms of tissue and their combinations in the construction of the typical members of the plant-body The essential characters and mutual relationships of the thallus root stem and leaf The essential characters and positions of the spore-forming structures sexual organs hairs The life history of the following types Bacterium Funaria Mucor Aspidium Vaucheria Pinus Eurotium Helianthus χ Subjects prescribed for the London Intermediate Science Examination 1897
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