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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-306

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302 DEPARTMENT FOR LADi ES Movements in Animal Cells-Plants and Animals-Their Life and Growth-The differences between them Structure of Cells and their arrangement in the Tissues and Organs of the Body Circulation-Blood and its Coagulation-Blood-vessels- The Heart in Man and in Lower Animals-Conditions affecting the Heart-beat-Blood Pressure-The Pulse- Lymph-Lymphatic Vessels and Glands Respiration-Object of-Mechanism of Respiration in Man and in Lower Animals-Changes brought about in the Air and in the Blood by Respiration-Ventilation of Rooms- Asphyxia-the Voice Speaking Singing &c Secretion-Structure and Functions of Secreting and Excreting Glands-Mechanism of Secretion Lent Term The Various Articles of Food-Their Uses-Diets- Digestion-Structure and Uses of the Parts of the Diges tiVe Tract in Man and in the Lower Animals-The Teeth their Structure-The Digestive Juices-Ferments and their Mode of Action Conditions affecting Digestion in Childhood Adult Life and Old Age-the Chemistry of Cooking The Nervous System -The Structure and Uses of its various Parts-The Brain and Spinal Cord-The Will- Intellect-Sleep and Rest The Senses-Special and General in Man and in Animals The Structure and Uses of the Bones-Joints and Muscles -How the Body is kept Upright-Running and Walking- The Temperature of the Body and its Maintenance-The action of the Skin and Kidneys-Effects of Exercise on the Body-Elimination of Waste Products The lectures will be illustrated by lantern slides diagrams specimens &c Easter Term Practical Microscopic Work and Histology Students will examine microscopically some of the lower
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