Calendar: 1896-1897 Page 305
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DEPARTMENT FOR LADlJSS 301 Higher Algebra Michaelmas Lent and Easter Terms Friday knowledge of Algebra up to the solution of quadratic equations will be assumed Text-Booh Hall and Knight "Higher Algebra Trigonometry Michaelmas Lent and Easter Terms Monday9 This class will begin with the rudiments of the subject and will proceed as far as the solution of triangles Text-Book Lock Elementary Trigonometry Analytical Geometry Wednesday Michaelmas Term The Geometry of the Straight Line and Circle treated by algebraic methods Lent Term Continuation of the work of the preceding term ί י ו י The Parabola and Ellipse Easter Term The Ellipse Hyperbola General Conic Text-Booh Smith "Conic Sections PEYTON Τ BEALE S- Demonstrator of Histology and Lecturer on Biology in King's College London Assistant Surgeon to King's College Hospital Monday 10 Michaelmas Term The Objects and Uses of Physiology-General Properties of Living Organisms-Life-The Cell-Protoplasm-Its Subjects prescribed for the London Examination 1897 χ Subjects prescribed for the London Intermediate Science Examination 1S97
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