Calendar: 1896-1897 Page 299
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department for ladies 295 practical knowledge of German Individual attention will be paid to students preparing for any outside Examination or intending to qualify themselves for the teaching profession University Class Thursday 12 noon This Class will be specially devoted to the preparation for the Af Examination Pass and Honours at the Uni versity of London The Text-Books prescribed for the Examination for Honours and some other Prose Works will be read at the Class or under the guidance of the Professor -The above Class will only be held if at least si students enter their names for it Literature Friday 12 noon The Lectures will be delivered in German The Professor will receive German resumes of his Lectures and return them corrected It is proposed to devote the Lectures in the Session of 1896-97 to thorough study and minute analysis of the most important works of German Classical Literature from the appearance of Klopstock to the death of Goethe 1724- 1832 The most striking portions of the principal woiks will be read aloud at the Class either by the Professor himself or by the ladies who may wish to do so Michaelmas Term Allgemeine Ubersicht Die Idealitatspoesie eingeftihrt von Klopstock Messias Oden und die romantisch-materielle Richtung vertreten von Wieland Die Abderiten Oberon -Die Stellung beider Dichter zum Gottinger Dichterbund Lessing Entscheidung des Kampfes der Leipziger und Schweizer Als Asthetiker und Kritiker Laokoon Die Hamhurgische Dramaturgic Als Dramatiker Minna von Barnhelm Emilia Galotti Nathan der Weise Als Epigrammatist und Fabeldichter Als Philosoph Erzie- hung des Menschengeschlechis Subjects prescribed for the London Examination 1807
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