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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-256

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252 FACULTY OF MEDICINE This course complies with the regulations for obtaining the Diploma in Public Health of the various Universities and other Medical Licensing Bodies for candidates registered under the Medical Act subsequent to the 1st of January 1890 This course of two months in the Bacteriological Laboratory is followed by four months in the Public Health Laboratory The two courses together are specially recognised by the University of Edinburgh as qualifying for the Sc degree in the Department of Public Health The fee for the combined courses for the Diploma of Public Health is Twenty Guineas The fee for the Bacteriological Course only is Seven Guineas Special Demonstrations for the Diploma in Public Health Demonstrations will be given to those Medical Practitioners presenting themselves for the examination for the Diploma in Public Health who were registered or entitled to be registered on or before the 1st of January 1890 and to whom therefore the recent regulations of the General Medical ×™×™ Council do not apply Fee One Guinea Elementary Class for Instruction in the Bacteriology of Fermentation This class is held by the Demonstrator three times year on Monday afternoon from to January to March April to June October to December The instruction given is specially arranged for the require- ments of Agriculturists Brewers Analysts and Chemists The demonstrations are illustrated by lantern slides diagrams experiments and microscopical preparations The students examine stain and mount permanent pre parations of examples of various micro-organisms and especially those of fermentation for future reference and study
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