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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-254

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250 FACULTY OF MEDICINE Tetanus-Rabies Scarlet fever-Diphtheria-Small-pox Cow-pox-Horse-pox-Sheep-pox Foot and mouth disease PJeuro-pneumonia Cattle plague Actinomycosis Fee for the whole course Five Guineas Post-Graduate Courses Special Courses for Medical Practitioners affiliated to the London Post-Graduate Course These Courses are held three times year by the Pro- fessor February to March Spring Term Slay to June Summer Term October to November Winter Term The Lectures and practical instruction arc given on Fridays from to The Lectures are illustrated by specimens diagrams and antern slides Text-book of the Laboratory -Crookshank's Manned of Bacteriology Each Member of the class is encouraged to make series of permanent preparations for future reference Syllabus Lecture 3-4 Practical Work 4-δ The Microscope and Methods Examination of Cultivations of Cultivation Examination of Air Soil Plate Cultivations and Water Anthrax and Malignant Staining Sections Edema Tuberculosis and Leprosy StainingSputum and Sections Actinomycosis Glanders Staining Sections and Culti- לז vations iMQmu&tft Typhoid Fever &uiphtheria Staining Sections and Culti- vations
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