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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-241

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FACULTY OF MEDICINE 237 They shall as part of their duties under the direction of the Physician-Accoucheur's Assistant assist in the Maternity Department by attending midwifery cases Out-Patient Dressers -There shall be eighteen Out-Paticht Dressers divided between the Assistant-Surgeons They shall attend punctually on the days of the Surgeon under whom they may be serving for the purpose of dressing patients in the Surgery and registering the patients under the direction of the Surgeon or Assistant Surgeon in attendance Denial Surgeotfs Assistants -There shall be two Assistants to the Dental Surgeon from among those Pupils who shall have attended with regularity the Dental Practice of the Hospital These appointments are open to Students studying for the Dental Diploma of the College of Surgeons as well as to Matriculated Students They shall serve for Six Months shall attend regularly at the hours appointed and act under the direction of the Surgeon Dentist In-Patient Dressers -There shall be twelve In-Patient Dressers four for each In-Patient Surgeon Candidates must have filled the office of Out-Patient Dresser and have at- tended six months' In-Patient Clinical practice In addition to the above Inpatient Dressers Senior Dresner is appointed by each Surgeon The viva voce examination fot Senior Dresser shall be principally in Anatomy the written one in Surgery having paiticular reference to the nature of In-Patient Surgery Candidates shall also if required take case or cases chosen by the Surgeons from patients iii the house at the time of examination In-Patient Dressets shall dress and register the cases admitted into the Hospital under the direction of the Surgeon or House Surgeon In every surgical case upon which post-mortem exami- nation is held the Dresser under whose care the patient has been shall immediately after the holding of such examination
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