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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-225

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CLINICAL SURGERY Hose Professor Prof Cheyne CM ו BxVRitow burgeons Win Turner Tutor Professor William Rose gives Clinical Lecture every Monday and special demonstrations on cases every Wednes- day The Tutor in Surgery takes Senior Class around the Surgical Wards daily Instruction and special demonstra- tions in Operative Surgery Minor Surgery and Bandaging and Surgical Pathology are given by the Assistant Surgeons CLINICAL MIDWIFERY AND GYNECOLOGY Playfair Hayes Clinical Lectures are delivered once fortnight by Prof Playfair and Dr Hayes alternately Practical Midwifery Midwifery cases are attended by Students of the Hospital under the superintendence of the Assistant Obstetric Physician and with the immediate aid of the Assistant Resident Accoucheur It is incumbent on all Students of the Hospital to take duty in the Midwifery Department for one month unless specially exempted by the Dean Midwifery and Gynaecology under the direction of Dr Phillips Μ Α Assistant Obstetric Physician -Out-Patient Room Demonstrations every Tuesday and Saturday during both Summer and Winter Sessions at 30 Special Ward is appropriated to the reception of Diseases of Children OPHTHALMIC SURGERY Μ McHardy Ed Professor Clinical Instruction in Diseases of the Eye and Ophthal- moscopic Demonstrations are given in the VVards and in the
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