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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-224

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220 FACULTY OF MEDICINE BACTERIOLOGICAL LABORATORY This Laboratory is open for original research under the direction of the Professor of Comparative Pathology and Bacteriology The Laboratory is open the first week in October and closes for the long vacation at the end of July Hours of attendance daily from 10 to except on Satur- day when the Laboratory closes at Fees -For one Month for original research guineas For longer period by arrangement CLINICAL INSTRUCTION AT KING'S COLLEGE HOSPITAL CLINICAL MEDICINE Alfred Duffin Burney Yeo David Ferrier John Curnow Smith Tutor Clinical Lectures are given once week during the Winter and Summer Sessions by the Physicians and the Tutor takes Senior Class around the Medical Wards daily Principles and Methods of Medical Diagnosis -Demonstra- fions are given commencing in May and October in the Out-Patient Department by Sir Hugh Beevor Assist- ant Physician of the Hospital for the purpose of elementary instruction They comprise Medical Anatomy and Physical Examination of the Circulatory Respiratory Digestive Urinary and Nervous Systems Instruction is also given daily in the Out-patient Depart- ment of the Hospital by the Physicians CLINICAL MEDICINE Curnow Professor Physicians
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