Calendar: 1896-1897 Page 223
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Page content
Illumination-Daylight and Artificial light-Abbe con- denser-Microscopical accessories-Micro-photography Microscopical methods -Examination of fresh spcci- mens-Aniline dyes-Ehrlich's method-Gram's method Preparation of morbid specimens-Embedding-Celloidin -Microtomes and section cutting Cultivation methods -Principles of sterilization-Bac- teriological apparatus-Preparation of nutrient gelatine Preparation of nutrient agar-agar glycerine agar-agar blood-serum potato cultivations Test-tube cultivations-Plate cultivations-Drop cultiva- tion-Examination of air soil and water Biology of Bacteria -Chemical composition-Rcspira- tion and nutrition-Form-Classification Circumstances affecting growth products of growth- Chromogenic zymogenic septic and pathogenic bacteria Ptomaines-Toxines-Albumoses Immunity-Alleviation of virus-Protective inoculation Disinfection-Antiseptics Infective Diseases -Anthrax-Symptomatic anthrax- Malignant oedema Tuberculosis-Leprosy Glanders-Syphilis Typhoid fever-Swine fever-Swine measles Cholera-Relapsing fever-Malaria-Sierra Pneumonia-Rabbit septicaemia-Chicken Cholera Mouse septicsemia-Suppuration and septic complication- Strangles Tetanus-Rabies Scarlet fever-Diphtheria-Small-pox Cow-pox-Horse-pox-Sheep-pox Foot and mouthdiscase-Pleuro-pneumonia-Cattle-plague Actinomycosis The Lectures will be given during the Summer Session on Mondays and Thursdays at commencing Monday the 11th May 1897 Fee guineas
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