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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-216

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212 faculty of medicine BOTANY AND PRACTICAL BI0L0GF VEGETABLE Bottomley Ph Professor This Course comprises Lectures and Practical Class The Lectures include Vegetable Morphology Histology and Physiology as required for the Preliminary Science Examination of the University of London in addition to which lectures on Classification will be given The Lectures will be illustrated by fresh and dried speci- mens of Plants microscopic preparations and large collec- tion of diagrams and drawings In the Practical Class Vegetable Practical Biology the Students will examine all the Plants included in the syllabus for the Preliminary Science Examination of the University of London For further details see Syllabus of Faculty of Science MEDICINE Principles and Practice Alfred Baynard Duffin Professor Burney Yeo An explanation of the Terms Objects and Methods of Study including description of the Nature Nomenclature Classification Causes Prevention Symptoms Diagnosis Pathology Anatomy Prognosis and Treatment of Disease in general ύ detailed account of Individual Diseases or the Affections of Particular Organs or Systems of Organs The Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Medicine are exemplified by Preparations Drawings and Models and by recent Specimens of diseased structure On account of the great extent of the subjects embraced in this Course some of them are treated of only in alternate years NEURO-PATHOLOGY David Terrier Professor ν Turner Demonstrator Courses of Instruction including both Lectures and De nionstrations are given in the Winter and Summer Sessions
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