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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-212

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208 FACULTY OF MEDICINE the Professor and Demonstrators of Anatomy Attendance is given daily from ten to four o'clock course is held in the Winter and Summer Sessions to meet the requirements of the Examination PHYSIOLOGY PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY AND HISTOLOGY Halliburton Professor Τ Beale Demonstrator of Histology Η Lyle Demonstrator of Physiology The following courses of lectures and practical work will be given during the Winter and Summer Sessions General Course of Physiology The Class is held daily except Saturday during the Winter Session at 12 15 and will meet the require- ments of Students preparing for the Intermediate of the London University and for the examinations of the Conjoint Board in England General Course of Histology The lectures are given during the Summer Session at 10 15 on Tuesdays Fridays and Saturdays General Course of Practical Physiology This Course consists of series of practical lessons which are given from 12 15 15 on Wednesdays and Satur- days during the months of January and February General Course of Practical Histology In this Course the minute anatomy of the tissues and organs and the methods of preparing them for microscopical examin- ation are studied practically in the Laboratory the work being arranged to accompany the lectures of Course The Class meets on Tuesdays Fridays and Saturdays from 11 15-1 15 during the Summer Session Facilities will also be given to the Students to attend the Laboratory on certain afternoons in the week should they desire to work privately but each one must provide himself with set of the minor accessory instruments All the other apparatus microscope
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