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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1896-1897-187

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FACULTY OF SCIENCE 183 GENERAL TIME TABLE -continued Classes Hours at which Lectures begin Tu Th 11 45 11 45 Inter Sc 11 45 11 45 11 45 11 45 Inst of Chem Physics 1st Year Eng Div 11 45 11 45 11 45 Int Sc Summer Session -י Practical Int Sc Win Sees 11 45 Prelim Sci 11 45 Physical Laboratory Ch Mans Div -- 11 45 י Metallurgy Div 11 45 2nd Year Eng Div 11 45 Physics Hydrostatics Inst of Chem 11 45 11 45 Pneumatics 11 45 11 45 Chemistry Inorganic 3rd Year Inst of Ch 11 30 11 30 Tutorial Prelim Sc 11 30 11 30 11 30 Photography 3rd Year Electrical Div -- Botany and Vegetable Biology Prelim ו -- 11 45 Botany and Vegetable Biology Int Sc -- 11 45 11 15 11 15 Prelim Sc Sum Sess Chemistry Tutorial Pre Sc Sum Sess 12 15 12 15 Botany and Practical Biology Prelim 12 Chemical Laboratory Div of Chem Mans 12 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 Divinitv 1st Year Emr Div 15 יי Int Sc 15 nd and 3rd Years Eng Div 15 Workshop 1st Year 15 Drawing 15 15 Civil Engineering 1st Year 15 Eng Draw 2nd Year 15 3rd ear ו 15 15
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