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Class III -For Institute of Chemistry Examination This will be arranged to suit the Students Non-matriculated Students may attend any of the classes in Mathematics For detailed Syllabus and Fees see under Engineering Division Fees Class and II each £4 4s per Term or £10 10s per Annum Class III the fee will depend upon the classes taken For Syllabus and Fees of Evening Classes see Faculty of Arts NATURAL PHILOSOPHY Mechanics Physics Adams Sc Professor Λ White Demonstrator EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY Gr Adams Sc Professor Herroun Demonstrator Mechanics and Physics Junior Class This Course is intended to prepare Students for the Matri- culation and First Sc Examinations of the University of London Theoretical Monday and Thursday 11 45-12 45 Elementary Principles Measurement of the relative Posi- tion of Points Principles of Resolution and Composition of Distances Displacements Velocities and Forces Statics Definition of Force its absolute Measurement and its Measurement in pounds weight Tension of Ropes Equilibrium of Forces Parallelogram and Triangle of Forces Equilibrium of Bodies turning about an Axis Levers the Centre of Gravity Action of Smooth Surfaces Mechanical Powers
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