Calendar: 1896-1897 Page 112
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Page content
GENERAL TIME TABLE Λ KTS l-ACrLTV -Evinini CI mac Horn at which IJ6CTURM broik Μ T11 1H niiilnii i'niv μ it iMPtilnt 11 'InKS "- I-atin Γ Η β 6-8 -r 6-6 חlo Su 11 litιτ v11 β Η Λ Μ ן V- י Knulish Literature Γ Μ β Ι β β On ι κ ree β M1 kiu ן Mat 111 11i08 Junior Di ision or ד Γ or ל Γ οι 99 Senior lt MrrlianicB fl ד ו IMivkics β listoi ical ί Jro ן1דז ν Γ1 Civ ז ד י י mm 7-0 Η lish Literature Inter Aits Coihiiosition ן or Italian Senior MM -- Political Iv ono1nv ן 30-0 Mathcinat ics Λ 7-0 Chemistry ן 1n ν Physical Oeoinμ וי Junior Greek Testament Senior 15 15 Divinity English Literature 15 is β mm ן ן Italian Junior Spanish Physical ί miiliv Senior Gaelic -0 30
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