Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 903
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Page content
INDEX clxxxv page rheological Faculty- Professors' Names 71 Rules of Admission 72 Rules as to Graduates 73 Rules for Non-Graduates 74 Course of Study 75 Examinations Certificates 78 Hooks recommended 79 University of Durham 85 Fees 86 Time Table 88 Athletic Clut 89 Associateship k9 Hoods 90 Sambrooke Exhibitions 90 Candidates for Admission 101 542 Missionary Guilds 102 Theological Society 102 Names of those who passed 103 Names of Students 104 heological Dep Ev Class- Regulations 539 Ho 541 Fees j4i Preparation for Exam 542 heological Society- Rules 102 heological Tutor- Classes 101 odd Prize- Rules 306 Endowment Appendix xxvi ooke Professorship- Duties of Chair 139 Endowment Appendix xxvi reasurer of the College 21 rench Prize- Rules 90 Endowment Appendix xxvi niv of London- Matriculation 503 First 504 Prel Sc First Sc 504 niversity of Durham- Rules of 85 niversitv Distinctions- Oxford 674 Cambridge 677 London 680 egetable Biology Morning Class- Instruction 204 257 Fees 210 282 Hours of Attendance 211 280 page Vegetable Biology Evening Class- Instruction 500 Fees 505 Hours of Attendance 508 Vocal Music- Course 71 126 483 Fees 87 132 505 Hours of Attendance 88 136 508 Volunteer Staff Corps- Regulations 296 VVarneford Prizes- Rules 303 Endowment Appendix xxv Warneford Scholarships Regulations 311 Endowment Appendix xxv Wheatstone Sir Legacy Appendix xxiv Wlieatstone Laboratory 174 Wood Carving Instruction 546 Wordsworth Prize- Rules of 95 Workshop Morning Class- Instruction 181 Fees 208 Hours of Attendance 211 Workshop Evening Class- Instruction 500 Fees 505 Hours 508 Clothworkers' Prizes 511 Worsley Scholarships- Regulations 99 Endowment Appendix xxv Writing Evening Class Instruction 501 Fees 505 Hours of Attendance 508 Zoology See Comparative Anatomy APPENDIX Acts of Parliament iii Bye Laws xix Legacies xxiv Benefactions xxv Donors Report for 1892 GreshamUniversity DraftCharter lix Examination Papers- lxxi
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