Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 902
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Page content
clxxxiv INDEX page llabbeth Scholarship- Rules 321 Endowment Appendix xxix Residence of Students- Pupils of School 608 In College 648 In Private Families 653 Rollit Prize- Rules 623 Rules for Students 67 Salter's Exhibition- Regulations 616 Sambrooke Registrarships- Regulations 323 Names or'Registrars 327 Endowment Appendix xxvi Sambrooke Exhibitions- Regulations 90 145 222 322 614 Endowment Appendix xxiv Sanitary Inspectors- Course of Instruction 380 Scholarships Endowed- Worsley 99 Inglis 141 611 Wameford 311 Daniel 320 Rabbeth 321 Forest 612 Scholarships Unendowed- Medical 328 School Mathematical 614 ft ff Λ Λ Λ9 fr School King's College- Masters' Names 596 General Arrangements 597 Workshop 599 Gymnasium 599 London Matriculation 600 Army Class 601 Rules as to Admission 602 General Rules 603 Dining Hall &c 605 Vacations Examinations 606 Fees 606 Athletic Club 607 Books 607 Residence of Pupils 608 Regulations forenteringColl 608 Scholarships Exhibitions 609 Annual Prizes 625 Terminal Prizes 629 Rite of Confirmation 680 Old Boys' Club 630 Prizes to whom given 632 Names of Pupils 643 page School of Art- Instruction 550 Fees 551 Prizes 552 Science ScholarshipsandExhibi- tions See Clothworkers' "Co 1r Secretary Name of 21 Shorthand Evening Class- Lectures 499 Fees 505 Hours of Attendance 50S Siemens' Medal and Prize- Rules 225 Endowment Appendix xxviii Skinners' Exhibition 617" Solicitors' Inter Exam 502 Spanish Morning Class- Fees 133 Spanish Evening Class- Lectures 499 Fees 505 Hours of Attendance 508 Special Certificate of Honour 227 State Medicine- Instruction 372 Stephen Prize- Regulations 149 Endowment Appendix xxv Students' Rooms 64S Student Demonstrators 217 Surgery- Lectures 259 Fees 282 Hours of Attendance 280 Surveying and Civil Engineering See Land Surveying Tanner Prize- Regulations 30& Endowment Appendix xxvii Teaching Theory and Practical- Classes 127 Fees 132 Hours 184 Technical Instruction- Building Construction 543 Constructive Drawing 544 י Quantities 544 Architectural Studio 545 Wood Carving 54$ Tennant Prizes- Regulations 224 Endowment Appendix xxiv
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