Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 895
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Page content
clxxvii INDEX page Accident Dresser- Duties 348 Act of Parliament Appendix iii Agriculture- Lectures 460 Fees 505 Hours 508 Anatomy- Lectures 254 Hours of Attendance 280 Fees 282 Ancient History Lectures 112 Anglo Saxon Evening Class- Lectures 461 Fees 505 Hours 508 Anaesthetics- Lectures 268 Animal Biology Morning Class- Instruction 204 256 Fees 210 282 Hours of Attendance 215 280 Animal Biology Evening Class- Instruction 460 Fees 505 Hours 508 Annual Report Appendix xxxix Applied Sciences Department See Faculty of Science Architecture Morning Lectures 176 Fees 210 Hours of Attendance 211 Architecture Evening Instruction 543 Arithmetic Evening Class- Lectures 461 Fees 505 Hours of Attendance 508 Assistant House Physicians- Regulations 344 Names of 358 Assistant House Accoucheur- Regulations 346 Names of 358 Associates- Privileges Ν runes 01 of page 697 697 Associateship Rules forthe- Theological Faculty 89 Faculty of Arts 137 Faculty of Science 216 Medical Faculty 294 Evening Classes 519 Athletic Club- ules 89 138 217 295 508 607 Auditors 21 Aural Dressers Aural Surgery Hours 349 285 Bacteriology- Laboratory 266 362 462 Barrv Prize- Regulations 98 151 226 309 515 622 Endowment Appendix xxviii Benefactions List of Appendix xxv Bequest Form of Appendix xxx Biology Animal Evening Class- Instruction 460 Fets 505 Hours 508 Biology Vegetable Evening Class- Instruction 500 Fees 505 Hours 508 Berridge Benefaction Appendix xxix Book Keeping- Lectures 461 Fees 505 Hours 508 Botany Med Dep Lectures 257 Fees 282 Hours of Attendance 280 Boxes for Books Gowns &c 655
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