Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 884
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clxvi WARNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS If ax3 bx2 and ax2 bx £ have common measure prove that State the axioms that are used in the solution of simple equations Solve- --quoting one of the axioms at each step Find χ if Λ χ χ ii bx £ tf'tf2 א arx A' Find and if &g 2y 3y 12 13 ii sly 'J sly Shew by substitutir two even whole numbers for and that the Highest Common Factor of a1 b2 and a3 b3 is not necessarily the Greatest Common Measure of a2 b2 and a3 Reduce -- ---to lowest terms x5 r6 r8 child ft high by coming into room lowers the average height of people in the room from ft in to ft in How many people were in the room 10 Find the greatest value of that the roots of χ2 6x may be both real and the least value that they may be both negative 11 person who has cholera infects others in week each of them others in the next week and so on Shew that in 30 weeks more than thousand million persons would be infected 12 How many words of letters can be made with consonants and vowels subject to the condition that all consonants eannot come together
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