Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 880
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clxii WARNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS Dique deaeque omnes quibus obstitit Ilium et ingens Gloria Dardaniae Tuque ο sanctissima vates Praescia venturi da non indebita posco Regna meis fatis Latio considere Teucros Errantesque deos agitataque numina Troiae Turn Phoebo et Triviae solido de marmore templum Instituam festosque dies de nomine Phoebi Te quoque magna manent regnis penetralia nostris Hie ego namque duas sortes arcanaque fata Dicta meae genti ponam lectosque sacrabo Alma viros Foliis tantum ne carmina manda Ne turbata volent rapidis ludibria ventis Ipsa canas oro Finem dedit ore loquendi Translate and explain Mortale sonans-Multum fleti ad superos belloque caduci- Cui tantum de te licuit -Evantes orgia-Castigatque auditque dolos-Quisque suos patimur Manes-Labor ille domus-Hecaten caeloque Ereboque potentem-Procul este profani-Stant lumina flamma Write geographical notes on the following Maeotia tellus-Nysa Eridanus Circeii Pachynum- Sigeum-Avernus-Tibur-Praeneste Derive and explain the Virgilian use of porro ergo ultro adeo scilicet Give instances from these books of archaic forms peculiarities of metre Translate into Latin The general said Do not fear these elephants of Pyrrhus it is the duty of Roman to fight for his country Or rect and obliqua You know that the Gauls have crossed the Rhone in order to join battle with us you do not know when the time or fighting may arrive Take care lest the cold of winter injnre the sheep if they are neglected by the husbandmen The painter would have made better picture if he had worked more diligently
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