Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 879
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WARNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS clxi -JM akc£peare £i Sing jftofjn Discuss the date of the composition of this play What other plays were produced about the same time What variations are there in it from historical fact What authorities did Shakespeare follow Describe the character of King John as here represented Also the characters of Philip Faulconbridge Lewis the Dauphin Queen Elinor Constance Give brief outline of the action of this play What period is covered by it Explain Do like the mutines in Jerusalem-These Lincoln Washes have devoured them-Lead me to the revolts of England here-My holy lord of Milan-Be Mercury set feathers to thy heels Mention any noticeable uses of these words bank'd- carriages-battles-suggestion-convicted-owe-expedient -importance-dear-toys Write notes on these words and phrases half-faced groat-Basiliscolike-at my worship's mess-these scroyles of Angiers-play fast and loose with faith Give the substance of Philip Faulconbridge's monologue on Commodity and of Constance's speeches when she hears of her son's captivity VI trgtl actmU VI Translate the following passage Phoebe graves Troiae semper miserate labores Dardana qui Paridis direxti tela manusque Corpus in Aeacidae magnas obeuntia terras Tot maria intravi duce te penitusque repostas Massylum gentes praetentaque Syrtibus arva lam tandem Italiae ugientis prendimus oras Hac Troiana tenus fuerit fortuna secuta Vos quoque Pergameae iam fas est parcere genti
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