Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 874
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Clvi FACULTY OF MEDICINE III Materia iilelitca anfc rapeuttco Describe the physical properties of Iodine and enu- merate the official preparations containing free Iodine Describe its actions external and internal Give the methods of preparation of the following Acids Arsenious-Carbolic-Salicylic-Benzoic In what forms and in what doses are they employed Describe the methods of preparing Extracts Liquors Tinctures Give examples of each method Give full account of Aconite including its nature source composition official preparations and physiological actions Enumerate Astringents Discuss the action of these drugs and describe how they may be employed IV -Cijemtetni How is glycerine obtained What evidence have you that it is tri atomic alcohol What relationship exists between benzene phenol and picric acid Mention general method for the conversion of phenol into the corresponding hydrocarbon and point out how phenol differs from an alcohol Mention general method for the preparation of an amine Describe any method you know by which you can ascertain whether an amine is primary or secondary What is the compound group or radical always present in an organic acid Give an example of monobasic dibasic and tribasic acid Write the equations expressing the action of nitrous acid upon ethylamine aniline aniline nitrate
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