Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 860
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FACULTY OF SCIENCE IX -Ecology mru iifltntvalogp FIRST YEAR In what direction do the mesozoic formations stretch across England Are the palaeozoic beds on the east of this series Give reason for your answer Explain the terms mesozoic and palaeozoic AVrite brief account of the triassic and carboniferous deposits What former conditions are represented by Devonian and Jurassic strata Describe the peculiarities special to each Give proofs that the crust of the earth has not always remained at constant level during all past time Describe and give the geological horizons of any two fossils Λ How can the specilic gravity of quartz be taken and what method must be adopted in the case of the so-called mountain cork What is known of the structure cleavage tenacity and frangibility of minerals mass of fluor spar and of iena weighs 500 grains the specific gravity of the mass is 55 that of the fluor spar is 31 and that of the galena is 72 How much fluor spar is present What differences of shape are likely to appear in crystals the one of which belongs to the hexagonal system the other to the monoclinic 10 mineral is thus described quadrangular prisms terminated by pyramids fracture conchoidal 648 Explain these technical words To what crystallographic system may the mineral belong Is it light or heavy Give reasons for your answers
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