Calendar: 1893-1894 Page 859
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FACULTY OF SCIENCE Define isochronism sensitiveness steadiness powerful- ness for governors If 15 are transmitted through belt passing round equal pulleys what will be the tensions on the entering and leaving sides if the pulleys are ft diam Revs per min 150 η If the belt is thick what should be its breadth for safe working In closed pipe at height feet above the discharge and 10 feet below the surface of the reservoir from which the pipe is supplied what will be the velocity of flow allowing friction factor of 075 Atmospheric pressure is upon the surface of the reservoir How would you guard against excessive rolling in ship Define and explain any technical terms you use by diagrams hand-drawn VIII -C&eonttcal Cijemtstrj FIRST YEAR Describe the phenomenon of gaseous diffusion and state the law relating to the rate of diffusion between different gases Give two methods by which oxygen gas may be pre- pared Describe its principal properties and say what sub- stances are produced when phosphorus magnesium sulphur hydrogen and zinc are respectively burned in oxygen gas Illustrate by equations the action of sulphuric acid either strong or dilute upon zinc charcoal copper potas- 3ium nitrate and sodium chloride What are the essential differences between ordinary 3uilding mortar and hydraulic cement Explain shortly why the latter variety can withstand the action of water What do you consider as the chief ores of copper Describe the preparation of metallic copper from any one of hese ores How many volumes of air are necessary to completely 3urn two volumes of defiant gas into carbon dioxide and water
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